Estom Yumeka Maidu Tribe
We are a federally-recognized Indian Tribe since 1915, based in Oroville, California. Our rich history, dedication to our community’s growth, and commitment to future generations mean our Tribal Administration and various programs are set up for success. Spanning from child care and education, to gaming and environmental protection, our team is available to support our members in any way we can.

Latest News
Join Our Team at Enterprise Rancheria! - Executive Tribal Council Assistant The Executive Tribal Council Assistantprovides administrative support for all Tribal Councilmembers and coordinates efforts on behalf of the Tribal Council. The Executive Assistant willbe responsible for handling a variety of documents and correspondence, including reviewingcomposing documents. Schedules and coordinates the Tribal Council’s calendar and allmeetings. Office Assistant Provides administrative and reception…
June 2024 EPA Update - Do yourself, your family, and friends a favor, get the FREE Watch Duty App Watch Duty is operated by real people — not machines or crowdsourcing, and they are active and retired wildland firefighters, dispatchers, first responders, and reporters. Watch this video to see how it works: Watch Duty app gives you real time information on fires in your…
How to Start a Vegetable Garden in 9 Easy Steps - ASK AN ELDER! If you’ve never gardened with vegetables before, you are in for a treat on many levels. Growing great-tasting vegetables and staying ahead of problems does take a little knowledge and effort, but the following lessons will get you comfortably up and running in no time.The rest you’ll learn as you go, which…
FOURTH QUARTER UPDATE FY23: What do I do if I think my well is dry? - There are 4 steps for domestic well owners to follow if you think your well has gone dry. IF YOU NEED ASSSISTANCE WITH ANY OF THESE STEPS, PLEASE CALL US! THE TRIBAL EPA DEPARTMENT CAN HELP YOU WITH THESE STEPS. As California continues to experience climate-driven weather extremes, DWR is providing tools and resources to…
The Story Behind Enterprise Rancheria