Mission Statement
The Enterprise Rancheria Gaming Commission is established to preserve and protect the integrity of the gaming activities of the Estom Yumeka Maidu Tribe by shielding it from corrupting influences, ensuring fair and honest practices by patrons and operators, enforcing all applicable gaming laws and internal controls, and ensuring that the Enterprise Rancheria is the primary beneficiary of the gaming facilities.
Vision Statement
It is the goal of commission staff to represent the Estom Yumeka Maidu Tribe in a professional manner, working with other administrative/management, and/or staff personnel both within and outside the Tribe, for the common goal of protecting the assets of the Tribe and the integrity of gaming. We will achieve this goal by maintaining and enhancing public trust with honesty, integrity, and professionalism.
The Enterprise Rancheria Gaming Commission is the primary regulatory authority over gaming on the tribal lands of the Enterprise Rancheria. The Commission ensures that all gaming within the Tribe’s jurisdiction is conducted in compliance with Tribal and Federal law, Secretarial Procedures, and applicable regulations of the State of California.
Email: info@ergc.us
Phone: 916-943-3434