General Council
The people of and duly enrolled lineal members of the Estom Yumeka Maidu Indians of the Enterprise Rancheria who are duly enrolled are hereby granted all inherent sovereign powers of the General Council of the Enterprise Rancheria. All eligible lineal descent voters of the Estom Yumeka Maidu Indians of the Enterprise Rancheria are entitled to participate in duly called General Council meetings.

What Is Their Role?
- The General Council retains the power to set all policy for the Rancheria;
- The General Council retains the power to propose amendments in accordance with Article XVII;
- The General Council retains the power to establish its own procedures in accordance with this Constitution for all General Council meetings;
- The General Council retains the power to call a Special Election relating to any issue that effects the general welfare of the Rancheria by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the General Council with (51%) of the duly enrolled members present;
- The General Council retains the power to approve the Annual Budget of the Rancheria for all Departments, as approved by the Tribal Council;
- The General Council retains the power to approve any and all financial expenditure(s) outside the approved annual budget, which exceeds one-hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) in total economic development expenditure(s) and twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) for tribal operations expenditure(s);
- The General Council retains the power to select any and all justices of the Enterprise Rancheria Appellate Court, at a special election of the Rancheria pursuant to Article VIII of this Constitution.
- The General Council retains the power to approve the purchase and sale of any lands of the Rancheria;
- The General Council shall interview, approve, and appoint committee members, board members, commissioners or other entities reserving one position on each committee, board or other entity to be filled by a tribal council member appointed by the Tribal Council. Notwithstanding any restrictions or regulations of each appointment.
- The General Council retains the power and authority to enforce the foregoing powers.
Tribal Council
- Glenda Nelson – Tribal Chairperson
- Greg Borene – Tribal Vice-Chair
- Cindy Smith – Tribal Secretary
- Thomas Lozano – Tribal Treasurer
- Crystal Chalk – Tribal Council Member
- Donna Rodriguez – Tribal Council Member
- Armida Rosalez – Tribal Council Member